A Search and Discovery Tool for All East View Resources
The East View Shop is the most comprehensive discovery tool for e-Collections, Newspapers, Journals, Books & e-books, Atlases & Maps, Videos and more from East View Information Services. The advanced design and functionality allow users to discover resources through simple text searches or more advanced searches such as subject, region, format or language. Search results can be added to a wish list for registered users, submitted for pricing request, or added to shopping cart for purchase for items such as books, e-books, atlases and more.
Advanced search categories include:
- Products such as Atlases, Books, Collections, Databases, Maps, Serials and Videos
- Formats such as print, online, microform, DVD, and Blu-ray
- More than 100 subject categories
- Regions of interest such as Russia, Eurasia, Eastern Europe, East Asia, Middle East, and more
- More than 120 languages
Other features include:
- Sign up for regular email alerts on new books and periodicals by your choice of subject interests
- Safe and secure online shopping from our reliable and extensive acquisition network